The Edward Betham C of E Primary School


Register of Business Interests and Attendance Record

Register of Governors and their relevant interests: 2022-23

Name Appointed by Term of office Responsibility Declaration of Interest
Sudha Agrawal London Diocese 16.07.19-15.07.23

Governor Treasurer

Vice-Chair of FP&P


Environment (Eco Governor)

No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Tracey Cameron Staff 08.09.21-07.09.25

School Business Manager

School Business Manager
No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors
Caroline Chamberlain Ex Officio Ex Officio



No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Catherine Christodoulou Parents/carers 15.12.21-14.12.25


Child Protection & Safeguarding

Deputy SEND


No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Muke Ferguson Ealing Deanery Synod 06.11.19-05.11.23 Maths No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors
Silva Hilburn Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Greenford Magna 26.04.20-25.04.24

Co-Chair of Governors

Chair of C&S

Early Careers Teachers 




Employed by Imperial College

No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Lianne Lambourne Parents/carers 22.01.20-21.01.24

Co-Chair of Governors

Chair of FP&P

Health & Safety
No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors
Katy Lawrence The Governing Board (co-opted) 05.02.18-04.02.22 Deputy Headteacher 

Deputy Headteacher
Member of St. John’s Ealing PCC
Governor at The Green School for Girls

No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

James Macdonald-Brown Local Authority 14.01.22-13.01.26 Child Protection and Safeguarding 

Employed by Twyford CofE High School, Company Director of Green Lane 58 Ltd (non-trading).
Deputy Treasurer/PCC Secretary of St. Gabriel’s Church, NASUWT union member
Martial arts association (Aihu Bu Jitsu) member
Husband of teacher

Fr Graham Miller London Diocese Ex-Officio

Vice-Chair of PF&C

RE & Collective Worship

Rector of Holy Cross Greenford

Betham Trustee

Trustee of Holy Cross Greenford PCC

Trustee of Greenford Parochial Charities

Governor at William Perkin CE School

No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Atour Toma Betham Trustees 14.07.21-13.07.25

Co-Vice Chair of Governors

Vice Chair of C&S

Online Safety


Environment (Eco Governor)

No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors
Alicja Urlewicz Parents/carers 26.11.19-25.11.23

Chair of PF&C

Pupil & Staff Wellbeing

Pupil Leadership

Company Director of Plemon Studio Ltd

Member of Royal Institute of British Architects

No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Andrew Vigor Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Greenford Magna 13.07.20-12.07.24

Co-Vice Chair of Governors

Governor Training

Pupil Premium/PE & Sports Premium Link


No material interests arising from relationships with school staff or governors

Governors and Associate Members who left the Governing Board in the 12 months prior to 06.12.21

Name Appointed by Term of office Responsibility
Rachael Bernadine Governing Board: Associate Member 15.06.22-21.07.22


Rachael Bernadine Betham Trustees 15.06.18-14.06.22

Co-Chair of Governors

Vice-Chair of C&S


Child Protection & Safeguarding



Early Career Teachers

Rekha Elaswarapu London Diocese 27.01.20-01.09.21

Wider Curriculum

Tony Hudson Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Greenford Magna



PSHCE & Relationships Education

Chyril Husbands Local Authority 22.06.19-11.07.21

Chair of PF&C

Child Protection & Safeguarding
Michelle Samkubam Betham Trustees 17.06.19-231.03.21

Chair of C&S



David Murray Parents/carers 20.07.17-19.02.21

Co-Vice Chair of Governors

Governor Treasurer

Governor Training


Pupil Premium & Sports Premium

Attendance Record 2021-22


(number attended/total number of meetings)

Governing Board

(number attended/total number of meetings)

Rachael Bernadine 4/5 4/5
Tony Hudson 2/4 3/8
Silva Hilburn 5/5 4/6
Tracey Cameron 4/5 6/6
Fr Graham Miller 4/5 4/5
Caroline Chamberlain 5/5 16/16
Katy Lawrence 4/5 5/5
Sudha Agrawal 4/5


Muke Ferguson 4/5 4/5
Alicja Urlewicz 5/5 4/5
Lianne Lambourne 5/5 4/6
Andrew Vigor 5/5 8/10
Atour Toma 5/5 4/5
Catherine Christodoulou 3/3 2/2
James Macdonald-Brown 3/3 2/2