Archived News
Saturday 7 October 2023 Viking workshop Friday’s Year 4 Viking workshop was a Viking drama!
Tuesday 3 October 2023 World War II workshop Year 6 participated in a World War II workshop. We learned all about how the war started and what countries were involved, with the help of a very large map. Then we did a very exciting quiz. After that we learned more about rationing, evacuees and the different jobs women did. We even got to travel into our very own air raid shelter built on our school grounds. It was very dark in there and must’ve been terrifying for wartime Edward Betham pupils.
Monday 2 October 2023 Staying safe: Year 6's police talk On Monday Year 6 were visited by police officers from the Youth Engagement and Diversion Team, Metropolitan Police Service. The officer taught us how to be vigilant when we use our mobile phones and how to stay safe when using them outside. She gave us tips for keeping safe when travelling alone and on the bus. by Zinedine
Monday 2 October 2023 Road Safety Awareness Year 3 took part in an exciting ‘Pedestrian Training’ session, guided by the expertise of Olivia Davies from PWLC Projects.
Thursday 28 September 2023 Prehistoric Art: Year 3 Year 3 studied the processes involved in creating prehistoric art, exploring materials and tones. They explored different pigments to create these beautiful drawings of British animals, in the style of prehistoric art.
Wednesday 20 September 2023 Reception's Special Things As part of Reception's RE learning, they talked about the concept of Creation and how everyone and everything in the world is special to God. The children were asked to bring in from home something that is precious to them and explain why it is special.
Friday 14 July 2023 Embracing Sportsmanship and Growth At Edward Betham, we believe in celebrating the diverse talents and abilities of our students. Throughout the year, pupils from Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have passionately engaged in a multitude of inter-school competitions and festivals, showcasing their prowess in various disciplines.
Friday 14 July 2023 Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies The West End has come to West London this week, with wonderful performances of Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies!
Thursday 13 July 2023 Our Sports Mornings We were delighted that families were able to join us for our Infant and Junior Sports Mornings on Monday, and Nursery Sports today.
Thursday 13 July 2023 The history of Greenford walk Year 4 enjoyed a showery walk, finding out about Greenford since the Industrial Revolution.
Friday 30 June 2023 Year 6 cricket training On Thursday, Year 6 went to William Perkin High School School for some cricket practise.
Tuesday 27 June 2023 Junior Citizens On Tuesday, Year 6 went to the Junior Citizens' Centre.
Monday 26 June 2023 Year 3's outing to Teddington Lock Year 3’s trip to Teddington Lock was a fantastic extension of their Geography lessons on rivers.
Wednesday 17 May 2023 West London Islamic Centre and Jamia Mosque As part of their learning about Islam, Year 2 visited a mosque.
Tuesday 16 May 2023 Edward Betham vs St Raphael Football match report: Tuesday 16th May
Friday 12 May 2023 Supertato to the rescue! This week, Reception have loved learning about Supertato and his fight against Evil Pea!
Friday 5 May 2023 Our Coronation celebrations Today we celebrated the Coronation of King Charles III, with a special lunch, cake, and games from the 1950s (when King Charles would have been at school).
Thursday 4 May 2023 The Look Out Discovery Centre Year 4 enjoyed an educational and fun visit to the Look Out Discovery Centre in Bracknell.
Tuesday 25 April 2023 Legends of Football competition winners Twenty lucky children, including one from Edward Betham, received an England kit and attended a training session with Gareth Southgate at Watford’s training ground today.
Monday 24 April 2023 Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall Year 4 visited Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall as part of their topic How did the first 5 Sikh Gurus shape Sikhi
Friday 21 April 2023 Year 1 Spring walk Year 1 loved their seasonal Spring walk to Ravenor Park. The children enjoyed identifying different signs of Spring and worked with their partner to note these down.
Thursday 20 April 2023 The Floating Classroom In Science, Year 2 have been learning about the life cycle of plants. We visited the Floating Classroom, an electric boat on the Regents Canal!
Friday 7 April 2023 Good Friday Walk of Witness We were very pleased to be invited to join the Walk of Witness today, with church communities in Greenford.
Monday 27 March 2023 Dogs Trust visit Year 3 had the privilege of having a visit from the well known animal rescue charity, Dogs Trust.
Tuesday 21 March 2023 Raphael's visit to Reception Today Reception had a visit from Raphael the tortoise. We watched him walking and eating lettuce.
Tuesday 21 March 2023 4BE's visit to Northala Fields 4BE enjoyed an informative visit to Northala Fields this morning.
Monday 20 March 2023 How does Holy Communion build a Christian community? 4BE enjoyed their visit to Holy Cross Church to learn more about Holy Communion.
Friday 17 March 2023 Ranger Stu Year 1 enjoyed a wonderful animal workshop with Ranger Stu.
Tuesday 7 February 2023 Posting and Places Year 1 went on a local area walk and looked at the key features of Greenford.
Monday 6 February 2023 Young Voices: OVO Arena We were delighted to be part of Young Voices, the largest children's choir concerts in the world, for a third time.
Friday 27 January 2023 Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year In Reception this week, the children have enjoyed learning about Lunar New Year.
Thursday 26 January 2023 Stewards of God's Wonderful Creation 1,600 pupils and staff from 97 schools joined together at St Paul's Cathedral to give thanks for God's creation - and we were there!
Wednesday 18 January 2023 The Verulamium Museum Year 3 had a great time visiting the Verulamium Museum as part of their History topic: How did the Roman Empire’s invasion change Britain?
Wednesday 18 January 2023 Stars of the Term Today our Elms coaches presented Player of the Term certificates for fantastic work in PE before Christmas.
Thursday 12 January 2023 Making sandwiches Reception had great fun making jam sandwiches. We learnt about the ingredients needed, the method and then made our own sandwich.
Thursday 12 January 2023 Tic Tac Toe This half term, Year 3 will be designing and making Tic Tac Toe boards. They have been practising their sewing skills in readiness.
Thursday 12 January 2023 Year 6 Science Year 6 enjoyed a practical, hands-on science activity dissecting lambs hearts. The children were fascinated by the difference in the thickness of the walls on the left and right sides of the heart and were able to identify the four different chambers and blood vessels. Well done, Year 6!
Thursday 12 January 2023 No idling This term, our Junior Travel Ambassadors will launch our anti-idling campaign. Air pollution can be 30% higher outside schools due to idling vehicles. Will you pledge to commit to healthier air by switching off your vehicle engine?
Thursday 12 January 2023 The Earth and Space To launch our new topic on the Earth and Space, Year 5 studied Van Gogh’s famous painting The Starry Night. Based on this, the children wrote a descriptive paragraph, imagining that they were inside the painting, gazing at the stars. In Art, all children designed and created an original embroidery using a combination of running, back, satin and cross stitches, French knots and woven wheels.
Wednesday 11 January 2023 Judaism: Why are they having a party? Year 2 are learning about Judaism this half term, and the celebration of Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year. This festival takes place in September - the Shofar horn is blown and Jewish people eat Challah (special bread), apple and pomegranate with honey. Year 2 enjoyed tasting this food.
Wednesday 11 January 2023 Year 6 Citizenship workshop Year 6 were given a very informative talk on the dangers of illegal drugs and the effects of excessive alcohol on the body. They also had the opportunity to look at replicas of illegal drugs. Thank you, PC Pidding.
Monday 9 January 2023 Year 5 Gymnastics Year 5 Gymnastics Year 5 finished their gymnastics unit with a display of a range of balances on and off equipment. These included partner counter-balances and balances of different heights.
Friday 6 January 2023 Our Five Senses: How bodies grow and move For the start of their learning about the five senses, Year 1 named the different body parts. They had a go drawing around their friend and then labelling the different body parts.
Thursday 5 January 2023 Why is it cold in the Arctic? For the start of their new learning about the Arctic, the children in Year 1 learnt the names of the seven continents. They explored maps, globes and atlases before playing a game to correctly locate the different continents.
Friday 16 December 2022 Active Travel Advent Led by our Junior Travel Ambassadors, we participated in Ealing's Advent Active Travel Challenge and completed a task every school day in December. Our final challenge was to sing the Walkin' and Wheelin' song - Year 5 loved joining in with members of the Villiers High School Choir!
Thursday 15 December 2022 Our Christmas parties Thank you to parents/carers for contributing money towards the cost of our Christmas parties. These were as successful as ever, with plenty of food and fun. Here we see that children from 5LM certainly got into the festive spirit!
Wednesday 14 December 2022 Veggie Burgers For their Design and Technology work, Year 4 sampled, designed, made and evaluated veggie burgers.
Friday 9 December 2022 Year 5 visit to St Paul's Cathedral Year 5 enjoyed their visit to St Paul's Cathedral and The Monument.
Monday 5 December 2022 Football Scholarship Congratulations to one of our former pupils, Joseph Khoshaba, on receiving a scholarship with Crystal Palace FC. Joseph was a member of the Edward Betham football squad and one of the players who represented Ealing in the London Youth Games in 2018.
Wednesday 30 November 2022 Year 4's outing to the Roald Dahl Museum Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the Roald Dahl Museum and shared their thoughts about the day.
Tuesday 29 November 2022 Sky Sports News Staff and pupils were thrilled to be asked to speak to Gail Davis, from Sky Sports News, about Bukayo Saka. This was in readiness for the England v Wales match (FIFA World Cup Group Stage: Group B). Bukayo attended The Edward Betham CofE Primary School between 2006 and 2013.
Friday 25 November 2022 BBC Breakfast We were delighted to be invited to be part of this morning's BBC Breakfast broadcast. Staff (past and present) and pupils shared their memories of Bukayo Saka, who attended The Edward Betham CofE Primary School from 2006 until 2013.
Wednesday 23 November 2022 Founder's Day: 23rd November Today we celebrated Founder's Day and 242 years of our school. We were very pleased to welcome Bishop Lusa, Bishop of Willesden, as part of his Pilgrimage of Prayer, to join us.
Wednesday 23 November 2022 A letter from Buckingham Palace Today we received a letter from Buckingham Palace, thanking us for the books of condolence we sent to the Royal Family following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
Saturday 12 November 2022 Filming at Edward Betham We were privileged to take part in this project by Dre Beats featuring our very own Bukayo Saka. The advert is powerful and inspiring; watching it, you can’t help but reflect on our school vision and the deep-rooted foundations it gives our children to face what this world is going to throw at them throughout life: Faith, hope and love: these three things will last forever, and the greatest of these is love”.
Friday 21 October 2022 Year 4's games After learning about Electricity, Year 4 designed and made games with switches.
Tuesday 11 October 2022 RAF Hendon As part of our World War II topic, Year 6 visited RAF Hendon where we learnt about what it was like for children during the war. We looked at the different aeroplanes used during the war.
Monday 3 October 2022 Ealing Half Marathon Congratulations to Mrs Lawrence on completing the Ealing Half Marathon to raise funds for the Edward Betham Friends' Association, and thank you to everyone who sponsored her. In total, she raised £1040 - amazing!
Tuesday 20 September 2022 Our drama workshops In our Little Creatives drama workshops, Year 6 focused on developing support, resilience and listening skills. We had an opportunity to discuss comfortable and uncomfortable feelings and we spent time focusing on how to have kind and supportive thoughts about ourselves. We loved our day with Miss Sarah and can't wait for more regular sessions with her as we prepare for the transition to High School.
Sunday 18 September 2022 Remembering Queen Elizabeth II Last week, we reflected on the life of our much cherished sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. Throughout her reign, she remained true to the promise she made on her 21st birthday: to devote her life in service to others.
Friday 16 September 2022 Prayer Groups at Holy Cross Church At our first prayer group of the new academic year, we thanked God for His many gifts to us and for blessing us with a wonderful start to the term!
Thursday 8 September 2022 Sustainable Fashion workshop Year 6 members of the Eco Council had a brilliant afternoon attending a Sustainable Fashion Workshop.
Thursday 1 September 2022 Our Beginning of Year service At our beginning of year service this morning, staff and governors prayed for God's blessing upon all that we do this year.
Friday 15 July 2022 Our Worship Ambassador workshops Today our Worship Ambassadors worked with pupils from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on our school vision.
Wednesday 13 July 2022 The Pirates of the Curry Bean Year 6 impressed us with their brilliant end of year show, The Pirates of The Curry Bean.
Monday 4 July 2022 London Youth Games We are proud to have represented Ealing in the London Youth Games Basketball Finals.
Friday 17 June 2022 Isle of Wight 2022: Day 5 Read all about Year 6's last day on the Isle of Wight.
Thursday 16 June 2022 Isle of Wight 2022: Day 4 Sidmond Gus and Year 6 had a wonderful day at Robin Hill.
Wednesday 15 June 2022 Isle of Wight 2022: Day 3 What have Sidmond Gus and Year 6 done today Read on to find out!
Tuesday 14 June 2022 Isle of Wight 2022: Day 2 Sidmond Gus has had another wonderful day on the Isle of Wight.
Monday 13 June 2022 Isle of Wight 2022: Day 1 Sidmond Gus has accompanied Year 6 to the Isle of Wight. Here is his diary: Day 1.
Monday 6 June 2022 Our Jubilee celebrations Thank you to our governors for organising our Platinum Jubilee celebrations. We enjoyed spending time with other year groups and completing activities in class.
Friday 27 May 2022 Caterpillar Diary Part of Year 5's science focus was to learn about different lifecycles. We purchased some caterpillars and watched them develop into a chrysalis and eventually turn into beautiful butterflies. We were delighted that all five caterpillars made it and we enjoyed releasing them into our nature garden. Â
Wednesday 25 May 2022 Choir for the Queen St Paul's Cathedral has invited schools across the UK and around the world to create a musical gift for Her Majesty in the Platinum Jubilee year. #ChoirForTheQueen #PlatinumJubilee @StPaulsLondon @stpaulscathedrallondon
Monday 23 May 2022 The Houses of Parliament The School Council of The Edward Betham CofE Primary School went on a trip to the Houses of Parliament where we met James Murray, our Member of Parliament.
Saturday 21 May 2022 Sleep Out to Help Out On 20th May, pupils from Year 6 slept outdoors in the Hall Playground and in the Infant Hall to help raise awareness about homelessness and raise money for Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter.
Saturday 21 May 2022 Summer Term outings and workshops It has been a busy term, with lots of exciting outings and activities taking place!
Monday 21 February 2022 Bukayo Saka's visit We were delighted that one of our former pupils, Bukayo Saka, was able to visit us again today.
Friday 4 February 2022 Show the Love campaign Our Eco Councillors have written to our local MP, James Murray, about our support for The Climate Coalition's Show The Love campaign.
Monday 24 January 2022 Speak out. Stay safe. In Collective Worship, we had a special assembly about the NSPCC.
Wednesday 15 December 2021 Window of Light As an ambassador school for Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation, our 'Window of Light' shining into the community is to welcome a new year of peace, joy, hope and love.
Monday 6 December 2021 The Eco Council's Immersive Film Experience Some members of our Eco Council attended an exclusive screening of Red Rope, a film made by IMPACT. IMPACT are a local theatre and arts group for adults with learning disabilities.
Saturday 4 December 2021 Bukayo Saka's gift We are very grateful to one of our former pupils, Bukayo Saka, and New Balance Football for their generosity towards our school. Bukayo attended Edward Betham from 2006 until 2013. He made his school football team debut in Autumn 2009 and was part of the team that won the Ealing Peal Shield competition in 2012 and 2013. His Premier League debut was in January 2019.
Tuesday 30 November 2021 Find us on Facebook Visit us on Facebook here.
Friday 5 November 2021 Our new mesh Pupils were asked to think about the meaning of our school vision and values. Their ideas were used for our new fencing.
Thursday 14 October 2021 Eco Council at 10 Downing Street On Thursday 14th October, five members of our Eco Council represented Surfers Against Sewage at 10 Downing Street.
Sunday 5 September 2021 Our new mural We are delighted with our new mural of England and Arsenal footballer (and ex-Edward Betham pupil), Bukayo Saka. Created by Darek Urlewicz (Pikto Art) and finished on Bukayo’s 20th birthday, the mural was suggested by one of our Year 5 pupils.
Wednesday 9 June 2021 ITV News Report Pupils and staff were very pleased to be asked their thoughts on former pupil Bukayo Saka's inclusion in England's Euro 2020 squad.