The Edward Betham C of E Primary School

Get Creative for Climate Justice

Pupils across the school worked on a project called Creative for Climate Justice, using artwork and creativity to explain how they feel about climate justice and its effects.


The initiative (a partnership between CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam, Save the Children and Send My Friend to School, with support from the Climate Coalition) aims to celebrate and amplify young people’s voices on the climate crisis.

Through their art, pupils shared their opinions about climate change and their hopes for the planet and everyone who shares it.  We were delighted that so many parents, carers and family members were able to join us. Our local MP, James Murray, joined us before making his way to Parliament. He was very grateful to our School Council for welcoming him so warmly and giving him an excellent guided tour.


Pieces from every school that took part will be selected for a national online gallery, as well as an exhibition in the Houses of Parliament, to inspire Members of Parliament and Ministers to take action.


Thank you to the School Council for welcoming our visitors and for helping Ms Paul and Mrs Curzon with the preparations.
